Feb 28, 2012

The Fabulous Adventures of Sheriff Paul Bebeu, Part II: Fun at the Boarding School

The recently outed and disgraced Republican Arizona sheriff Paul Babeu (you can find all about that tale of woe here) is now under an even darker investigation than the ongoing allegations of threatening to deport his Mexican ex-boyfriend. Apparently, Babeu was the headmaster and executive director of the now-defunct DeSisto boarding school in Stockbridge, Massachusetts, between 1999 and 2001. Investigating reporters for ABC have uncovered the abusive policies that were going on during his time there, as well as an alleged relationship between him and a 17-year old student that both the other students and Babeu's own sister claim to have been aware of at the time. Even though the legal age of consent in Massachusetts is 16, the relationship is still highly unethical, and if proven true (the student, whose name has not been revealed at this time, has refused to talk to the reporters), would put the already seriously questionable morals of the good sheriff into an even worse light.

Honestly, at this point, any political career Babeu was hoping to have has gone down the drain. It seems to me extremely naive of him to have expected to ever survive in the world of politics with this past, especially being on the Republican side, where even were he not obviously an immoral sleazeball, the very fact that he's gay is already a death sentence. I just hope the guy gets proven guilty for at least some of this shit, and sentenced to something...

For more on this story, and the actual ABC video, go to the HuffPost.

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