Mar 15, 2012

Today in Republican Hate 03.15.2012

Good times with Republican gays. GOProud's 2012 Agenda is up, and again they seem to try and mimic everything the GOP stands for (which is eating babies, skinning kittens and drowning puppies of course), including this piece of beauty:

EDUCATION REFORM – The answer to the serious problem of bullying is not more federal intervention in education. Instead, we support empowering parents and families by supporting school choice initiatives and protecting the right of parents to homeschool their children.

Again I want to just quote Joe on this one:

After a horrific year of bullying-related suicides in which the anti-gay Christian hate machine mobilized in numerous jurisdictions, installing or bidding to install laws that force teachers to watch silently while LGBT kids are beaten, GOProud says "Let the local schools do as the local anti-gay groups command."

This is, yunno, in case anyone needed more reasons to be disgusted by GOProud...


Meanwhile, Focus on the Family is pushing for a petition for Colorado voters to make it legal to deny housing, employment, and services to any person on the basis of religious objections. Translation - "Give us the right to kick gays any way we want to". LGBT rights group One Colorado is warning citizens against this:

The initiative’s language — which focuses on “religious liberty” — is incredibly deceptive. It doesn’t make clear the widespread implications of enacting this law. Implications that don’t just impact LGBT people — but all Coloradans.

Imagine a law that allows a pharmacist to refuse to fill a birth control prescription. A law that permits an employer to refuse to hire people on the basis of sexual orientation or gender identity and expression. A law that gives protection to teachers who refuse to teach sex education or evolution. All for the sake of so-called religious freedom.

They also need financial assistance to fight this absurdity. Chip in if you can.

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